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Author: WWS

Urban Garden Project Grows Fresh Produce and Opportunity

Southern California will soon have a new source of locally grown, organic produce, not to mention it will be home to one of the most energy-efficient urban garden systems in the U.S. GreenGro Technologies, a startup based in Anaheim, Calif., that designs vertical gardens and indoor farming equipment, just launched a greenhouse project, BP?Gardens, that will provide local communities, restaurants and grocers with fresh, pesticide-free produce and culinary herbs. “We are in the midst of a movement, and the demand for locally grown, organic produce has never been stronger,” said engineering contractor Dien McCall, of ACS Corp. and Greengro’s partner at BP Gardens, who has been firmly planted in the renewable energy industry for nearly 20 years. “This project is ideally suited to fill that demand.” The first phase of the BP Gardens project will start in Orange County, Calif., which features 30,000 square feet of greenhouses. Each structure will be refurbished with a variety of energy-efficient upgrades, including the latest in hydroponic, aeroponic and aquaponic systems. GreenGro’s vision of sustainability, coupled with ACS’s Dien McCall’s experience with alternative energy projects, helps guarantee that the project will have the smallest possible carbon footprint. But GreenGro’s greenhouse equipment and advanced hydroponics aren’t only useful for growing vegetables. CEO James Haas finds that a substantial amount of his customers buy his grow lights and vertical gardens for the medical marijuana trade....

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In-Home Infrared Sauna Helps Detoxify, Build and Heal

The commitment to get to the gym on a regular basis may have come and gone for many by now — and understandably so. While most people may have the desire, busy lives usually trump resolutions. Before you know it, your fitness goals have fallen by the wayside. Worse yet, maybe you’ve been able to get to the gym, but injuries and soreness are threatening to derail you. If this is the case, the answer may not lie in your local fitness center, but rather in a more alternative approach to health and wellness — in the privacy of...

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Say Cheese! How What You Eat Affects Your Smile

We live in a selfie-centric society that, combined with our health-driven lifestyles, makes a smile more important today than it has been in the past. And while your smile speaks volumes to the world around you, it should also mean a lot to you since it can boost your self-esteem and confidence. That’s why it’s so important to look at what you eat and learn how it can help or harm your teeth. The Stainers For many of us, a cup of coffee is essential to starting the day off right. For your teeth, it sets the stage for...

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